Welcome to Skyborne Adventures!

Specializing in basic and advanced tailwheel instruction, Xander Gooch has developed a reputation as an expert flight instructor. He currently owns and operates Skyborne Adventures, flying out of Caldwell and Parma Airports in Idaho's Treasure Valley.

Xander incorporates the aviation adage "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" into every flight lesson, whether in a tailwheel or nosewheel airplane. Though technology has its place in aviation, in the vast majority of fatal aviation accidents the pilot failed to properly prioritize these three tasks. With Xander, you will learn rock-solid stick and rudder skills from day 1 and develop that "seat of the pants" feel that is so often referred to by old-time pilots.

If you already have 100's of hours of tailwheel experience, or you have never flown in a plane before, you are guaranteed to have a great time on every flight with Xander, and may even learn something useful!

Check out the Flight Training or Aerial Tours pages to learn more!